Almanac - definição. O que é Almanac. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é Almanac - definição


  • An English Prophetic Almanack, 1825
  • MS. 8932. Medieval folding almanac (15th century)<ref>"MS. 8932. Medieval folding almanac (15th century)", [ Wellcome Images, Wikimedia Commons]</ref>
  • Title page of 1739 edition of Benjamin Franklin's ''[[Poor Richard's Almanack]]''}}
·noun A book or table, containing a calendar of days, and months, to which astronomical data and various statistics are often added, such as the times of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, eclipses, hours of full tide, stated festivals of churches, terms of courts, ·etc.
  • An English Prophetic Almanack, 1825
  • MS. 8932. Medieval folding almanac (15th century)<ref>"MS. 8932. Medieval folding almanac (15th century)", [ Wellcome Images, Wikimedia Commons]</ref>
  • Title page of 1739 edition of Benjamin Franklin's ''[[Poor Richard's Almanack]]''}}
Calendar, ephemeris, register of the year.
  • An English Prophetic Almanack, 1825
  • MS. 8932. Medieval folding almanac (15th century)<ref>"MS. 8932. Medieval folding almanac (15th century)", [ Wellcome Images, Wikimedia Commons]</ref>
  • Title page of 1739 edition of Benjamin Franklin's ''[[Poor Richard's Almanack]]''}}
['?:lm?nak, '?l-]
(also almanack)
¦ noun an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data.
?an annual handbook containing information of general or specialist interest.
ME: via med. L. from Gk almenikhiaka, of unknown origin.



ALMANAC is a major breast cancer trial. The acronym stands for "Axillary Lymphatic Mapping Against Nodal Axillary Clearance." This major randomized trial performed in several centres in the UK produced clear evidence that sentinel node biopsy (SNB), used to stage axillary spread of disease, can be used with low failed localization and false negative rates, provided both radioisotope and blue dye are used to locate the sentinel nodes.

Exemplos de pronúncia para Almanac
1. FEMALE SPEAKER: Sports Almanac.
The Aeronaut's Windlass _ Jim Butcher _ Talks at Google
2. I mean, this nautical almanac
3. Now, Jim's brain is memorizing the almanac.
4. Is there any of more this Almanac?
The American Craft Beer Cookbook _ John Holl _ Talks at Google
5. I have your almanac, which I love.
Because I Said So! _ Ken Jennings _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Almanac
1. Almanac." He collected furs, bones, shells and skulls.
2. The almanac, not to be confused with the New Hampshire–based Old Farmer‘s Almanac founded 26 years earlier, claims a circulation of about 5 million.
3. Sources: World Bank,, MSN Encarta,, The Almanac Aljazeera
4. According to the Almanac, by Michael Barone with Richard E.
5. "Cloudy, not as cold," the Hagerstown almanac says.